An Overview of a letter from Herb Dunton Barrister & Solicitor on behalf of his clients, a large and growing group of health sciences professionals who are members of HSA addressed to Health Sciences Association President Kane Tse
Similar to previous letters of similar concern Mr. Dunton reiterates that his clients are not seeking litigation at this time and simply want to open dialogue with the HSA and better understand the law involving Employers forcing vaccination upon their employees in order for them to retain their employment.
He further points out that “ My clients recognize, with regret, the vehement hostility that the HSA leadership is likely to face from the true believers in forced vaccination within your membership. My clients daily experience the abuses of this empowered group. However, we respectfully submit that HSA is nevertheless bound to throw off these pressures and support its members, my clients, against the vaccine mandate, and is equal to the task. “
“The human rights and informed consent law that I have summarized in this letter, is very longstanding and oft-applied in Canada. This law will not be overthrown by the hasty ideological decisions of human rights tribunals and transitory governments chasing the passing winds of public opinion in these turbulent times. “
Historically, HSA has maintained a commitment to its members’ human rights and liberties. Clearly, the vaccine mandate violates the human rights and liberties of your members. This mandate attempts to legitimize a culture of harassment and discrimination – of coerced medical experimentation, and compelled thought, belief, opinion and expression – purportedly in relation to an urgent health and safety issue – and authorize the loss of career and livelihood for those of your members who exercise their rights and do not choose to consent the Provincial Health Officer’s illegal Orders.
The common law and statutory law of BC and Canada are categorical in their protection of HSA members from being constructively dismissed from their employment for refusing to receive the experimental vaccines. The labour union movement has always been categorical in its utter contempt and rejection of any such contrived reasoning that would crush its members underfoot.
Mr. Dunton makes a Closing Appeal:
Long after the governments of the day are gone and the media accord pushing this global vaccination program has been broken up, the labour union movement, and HSA in particular, should remain standing, unmoved from its core values and raison d’être – of protecting workers’ civil rights and liberties in the context of employment. If HSA abandons its values and its workers in these troubled times, then what purpose remains to it, and who will stand up for these workers?